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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I'm going to introduce myself.
Hello!! My name is Jean Bui-Quang. I am nearly 13 years old.I was born on the 5th of December 1992 in Niort. I am 1 meter 63 tall.I have black curly hair. I have brown eyes.I often wear glasses but not all the time.I am energetic when I want it , I am lazy, moody, shy, talkative and sensitive..I live in in a house in Niort. I have one brother who is 17 , two sisters who are 18 and 20 so I am the last of the family!I have no pets.I like reading mangas,practising sports (football,handball,tennis,...),playing video games,doing computer,chatting with my friends.I don't like going to the swimming-pool, doing horse-riding.I practise handball twice a week,tennis once a week and chess once a week. I have practised tennis for 3 years and chess since I was 6 years old.I have just begun handball this year .I like watching football matches on T.V. I am enthusiastic to go to the Netherlands to make an ''exchange'' in english.
ByE ByE!! + + + + + + + + Ecrit par troisieme, le Dimanche 13 Novembre 2005, 22:50 dans la rubrique "".
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