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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
--> Descoins Marie Aimée
Hello! My first name is Marie Aimée and my surname is Descoins . I was born on the second of December nineteen ninety one in Niort. I am thirteen years old. I have medium length brown hair , my eyes are blue, I have mat skin. I am 1 m 63 tall, I'm slim and I wear glasses. I am right- handed. I am fond of sport and music. I play tennis and I practise fencing. l like listening to music (pop rock; R&B). I am curious, clumsy, greedy, organised, tidy ,understanding and very sensitive. I am afraid of death and snakes. I am good at art and English. My favourite subjects are English, physical education, art and maths. I have one brother , his name is Alexandre, he is twelve years old; and I have two half brothers who are twenty-seven years old and twenty-three years old .I also have one half sister who is twenty-nine years old. I live with my parents and my brothers in a house in Niort (It's near La Rochelle and Poitiers ). My mother is a chemist and my father is a doctor.I have three pets : a dog ( his name is TamTam) and two gold fish.
Ecrit par troisieme, le Dimanche 13 Novembre 2005, 22:52 dans la rubrique "".
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