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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
letter of introduction

Hello !

My name is Sophie. I am 14 1/2. I live ion Niort, in France.

I have blond hair. My hair is straight and medium lenght. I have brown eyes. I have fair skin. I am 1 m 64 tall. I am thin. I wear glasses.

I am very curious, energetic, communicative, sometimes bold, impulsive, headstrong, optimistic, sociable, vindictive, very talkative and stubborn. I love laughing.

I have 2 brothers and one sister. Thomas is 16, Tristan is 8 and Soline is 13. My father, Thierry, is a doctor and my mother, Sylvie, is a housewife.

I have played the piano for 5 years. I love every music except jazz (I can't bear this). My favourite  bands are Rammstein and Noir Desir. I also love  watching TV, playing the computer, writing, reading and drawing. I am interested in the Second World War, music and cinema. I like sport.

At school, my favourite subjects are PE, physics and technology. I like art, music and foreign languages but I hate Latin. I don't like maths at all.

My passion is photography. I love this. I like perfumes very much .

On Wednesday afternoons, I go to "UNSS" (sport at school). We practise all sports. It's wonderful !!!!!

Love from Sophie.

Ecrit par troisieme, le Lundi 14 Novembre 2005, 15:43 dans la rubrique "".
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