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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

This mail is for Marlijn


Hello !!!

How are you ? Me, I’m fine. I look forward  to going to the Netherlands to see you!!! I hope you like horses because I have one, her name is Kaline. I have a lot of animals so this is the paradise!!


As far as school is concerned, I start at 8:15am and I finish at 5:00pm. I go to school by car, I do not cycle because is too far (about 15 km).I learn German and latin, latin is very boring!! My best friends are Louise and Clémence.


I like watching  films very much so my favourite is “the king of the ring”. I like listening to music too.


Bye and kisses from Justine

                                                                               Write Write me soon!!!

Ecrit par troisième, le Lundi 21 Novembre 2005, 13:39 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

à 23:01

Hi, Justine.

Sorry I didn't answer so fast but it was a very hard week with lots of tests. How are you? I'm fine, but what a lot of questions are it. This is going to be a long mail. (laugh)I start and I will see were I end.

Here our school starts at 8.20AM and ends at different times on monday, thursday and friday we have lessons till 2.10PM, tuesday till 3.05PM and wednesday is for us the longest that's, 15.40PM but than we have to cycle for an 3quarter/an hour to get home. In the morning we leave at half past seven.So that means we have to cycle approximately 12 km. I hope it's not to far for you but don't worry The Netherlands is a very flat country so no hills.

We have 2 breaks at school, one of 20 minutes and  one of 30 minutes which is long enough to eat our bread, we don't go home because it's too far and we would come too late. One lesson is 40 minutes + 5 minutes to walk to another class.Our school is dutch but because of our study we speak most of the time english in class. We don't have latin but you can take it as an extra lesson if you want it but it sounds too boring to me to do that. It depends how much time I spend to do my homework but most of the time about 2 hours. I actually don't know how much students there are in our school but it are many students that is what I can tell you. Sorry but I don't know what a baby-foot is, but we have a grassfield and not much more. In summer it's lovely to sit there and eat your lunch.We don't have a table tennis. Some teachers are a little bit grumpy but some can be nice, it depends on the teacher. Some teachers smell like coffee which I really hate! It's an awful smell, you don't want to know it. I like our school because of the school parties , the trips we make they organise a lot which is fun and if you need some help you only have to ask it, don't matter where it's going about. The name of our school is: Het Maaslandcollege, which is really a dutch name I think.  Tipical dutch food is I think "stamppot" that's with potatoes and carrots which is very nice. It's only really for in the winter. A heavy meal. My french is not really good but I have a survival book with important sentences in french because once a year in summer holidays we go to France. But most of the time to a dutch camp. I don't know it exactly, I don't really look at that, just a few weeks before I have a look at it. There are about 150 teachers in our school, and if you don't mind I won't tell their names (laugh). We can do different activities in our school like streetdance, make little things from stone, trampoline jumping and so on and so on. We have 2 lessons a week spending on sport. We study in languages: German, French, Dutch an English. That are te languages we have. When I finished my homework I start to do my hobbies. We practice all kind of sports like football, hockey, softball and so on.On monday, thursday and friday I have seven lessons. tuesday I have 8 lessons and wednesday I have 9 lessons. We never have been to France with the whole class, this year will be the first time.When our teacher is absent, we have a free hour and we can go to the city or make homework or just sit somewhere and chat. It's a public school with different religions. It's different because there are first years, second years and so on. We have to get at school 8.00AM or we have to come an hour extra if we are to late or have done something else which you may not do. we have to do exams if we want to go to a study. I have 5 days lessons, from monday up and till friday. I think netherland is a nice country but it is very flat and it can be in winter pretty cold. French is a nice and romantic language but also a bit difficult. Music I like because I play an instrument, the flute.

This was my very long mail, send me a mail back please with the same answerd questions.

Many greats from me, Marlijn.

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à 12:39



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