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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Hi marlijn !!


How are you? I'm fine.

I’m going to talk about my school.

I start at school at and I finish at every day, in the morning we leave at we go to  school by car with my brother and my sister. The journey lasts about 10 minutes.

The lessons last 55 minutes, we don’t walk to another classroom(we have our own classroom), we have 4 lessons the morning with a break, it lasts about 25 minutes. And in the afternoon we have 3 lessons with a break; at we have a break, which lasts 1.45 I have  lunch at school with my friends. In my school we are about ..450 pupils and 40 teachers,

And in my class we are 24 pupils.

On Wednesdays, in the afternoon I have dance, I like dancing and on Thursdays, I have basketball and the weekend too.

In my school we can learn german, latin, English, and Spanish but me I don’t do Spanish. My teachers are nice, but some of them are very boring! And When a teacher is absent we can go to the home, so it’s really cool.

And when there are  holidays I go to the Creuse by my grandmother's, the last summer holidays I went to Guadeloupe.

Here, the typical food is  goat cheese and pancakes; it is very good !!!!!


                                      Bye Bye                    Big kisses from Justine



PS: my address is  Melle    Rambaud Justine

                              Pied blanc, 121 rt d’aiffres

                              79270 St Symphorien

Ecrit par troisième, le Samedi 28 Janvier 2006, 17:27 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

à 19:27

Hi Justine!!

Hey Justine,

I really like it your coming already so soon! We have to do this from school to tell the name of  the country where you would like to go and to give four reasons for that. Also the name of the country I don't want to go with also again four reasons. It's also the meaning that you're doing the same and e-mail it to me.

But the (is)land I really want to go to one of the Canary Islands called: Tenerife. My grandparents have been there and they said it was very beautiful and sunny with beaches and palmtrees! If it can I want to go one time to it to see if it's really true, I hope so.......    Another reason is that I like to go to the beach, swim in the sea and if it can water skiing or bodyboarding. (I like it that you are living close to the sea.) Whatever, The language there is spanish which I can't but they also speak there english which is a lot better!

Where I really don't want to go to is the North-Pole. It's too cold for me, and nothing is growing there so you only have ice landscape. It's also a little bit hard to get there because of the rocks of ice in the water and I don't want the same end as the titanic (if you know the film). Just give me the sun, In the Netherlands I like it when it's snowing but that is not really much and ice skating is really special on nature ice. I had just one time to ice skate. Also there is nothing to do there, you can study the ice bears but you don't see them very much.

this was my thing about it and I hope you will write me about it to.

Big kisses from Marlijn

P.S. my msn is : I hope you also have msn.

Bye Bye!!

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