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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
My Life
--> Hello
My name is Charles Payet. I am fourteen. I was born in Niort, in France, on the 18th of may 1991. I live in Niort in a house. I have one brother, one sister and one half-brother, one half-sister. I have two cats. I'm one meter seventy-nine tall. I have dark hair, brown eyes ... My hobbies are  playing Xbox, rugby, paintball, handball. I am Brave, cool, friendly, generous, greedy, pushy.
Ecrit par troisième, le Samedi 28 Janvier 2006, 17:32 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

à 18:15

Heey Charles

<p>Heey</p><p>I tried to sent you the answers to the 51 questions but I don't know if you received it.  I also wanted to tell you something about when you are coming here, Because my brother has an exchange to in the same week with someone from Slovenia. But thats no problem because we've got enough space. But what this mail is really about is a project we have to do for school. I have to choose two countries and choose in which one I would want to live. And I also have to give four advantadges for the country I would like to live in and four disadvantages for the one I don't want to live in. </p><p>The countries that I have chosen are England and Germany. I would want to live in England because I think it's has an interesting histrory. The weather is almost the same ass in the Netherlands. I can speak English. And it's close to the Netherlands I rather want to live in England because I would rather speak Enlish than German for a few years. In some parts of Germany its very cold in winter. And I furhter don't know any more reasons to not live in Germany.</p><p>Talk you soon</p><p>Jaap</p>
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