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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Question of your family
hello wouter how are you? me I'm fine. I'm not very happy to be in France because I think, I prefer Holland to France but I think when you come in France it will be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now, I want to ask you a few Question about your family!! Do you agree? 1) What is the first name of your father? your mother? 2)How old is your father? your mother? 3) What is the job of your father?your mother? 4)What are the first names of your two sisters and how old are they? 5) What are the hobbies of your father? your mother? 6)Has your family ever been in France? (if yes in what city) 7) What does your family thinks of France? 8) What does your family thinksof the English level of French students and Dutch students? ( French students are better at english or Dutch students are better ..?) BYE BYE WOUTER SEE YOU IN MAY PS : have you got a picture of your Home and your Family? I need all these things because I have to do an album for my English teacher! Kevin Ecrit par troisième, le Mardi 14 Mars 2006, 16:01 dans la rubrique "".
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