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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


My name is Kevin SEGUY. I am 14 years old. I live in Niort with my father and my mother and my sister live in Lyon.

As far as my personality is concerned. I am a bit blunt, cool, energetic, friendly, gentle, kind, a bit messy, not very serious, and warm-hearted. I am not very hard- working and strict.

As far as my physical is concerned. I am  short, i am 1  meter 55 tall. I have blond hair and brown eyes. I have fair skin and I am slender. I don't wear glasses and contact lenses.

Good bye. I look forward to seeing you in March.

Ecrit par troisieme, le Dimanche 13 Novembre 2005, 22:48 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

  Wouter Spanjaard
à 12:53

E-mail for Kevin Seguy

This e-mail is for Kevin Seguy. These are the answers that you asked:

1)   we start school at 08:20 but I leave at 08:10 or nearby that time
2)   if we have seven hours we are finished at 14:10, if we have 8 hours we finish at 14:55 and if we have 9 hours we finish at 15:35
3)   I go to school with the bicycle
4)   it takes about 10 minutes to go to school but if you ride fast you are there in 5 minutes.
5)   There are 2 breaks in our school one of 15 minutes and one of an half hour.
6)   Each lesson takes 40 minutes.
7)   The foreign language is probably Dutch and in our case English.
8)   no I don't study Latin
9)   I spend between an half hour and 2 hours a day at homework
10) when we go to school we bring lunch of our own and not from school.
11) I don't know exactly how many pupils we have About 1300.
12) I don't have a baby-foot in our playground
13) no we don't have a table tennis table
14) there are 21 pupils in our class
15) I don't know exactly how many pupils.
16) I like some of them but we have also teachers that we don't like.
17) We have a nice school but it is very crowded in the halls.
18) Yes we have one but it is very small.
19) we don't have a playground
Maasland College
21) potatoes and fries and some kinds of vegetables.
22) I am not very good at French but I can say some words and sentences.
23) I don't know exactly when we have holidays.
24) I don't know exactly about 80 I think or more.
25) Yes we go to you in
France and we held money raising actions for Gambia.
26) Our sport less is about 80 minutes but that is because we have it twice.
27) We study German, French, Dutch and English
28) I think about 11
29) she teaches art and design and technology
30) hang out with friends or play guitar or go mountain biking
31) soccer and tennis and other sports.
32) The first break is 15 minutes and the second is a half hour
33) 7, 8 or 9 lessons.
34) of the whole class everybody has almost been away to France but I don't know everywhere exactly
35) then that lessons will be skipped over and you may go do something else in the school or you can go to the shopping area of Oss
36) I thought a public school
37) it depends it is between 12 and 19 years in our school
38) no we don't have our own classroom
39) you have to stay an extra hour on school or you have to show up at 08:00 instead of 08:20
40) English, French, German, Dutch, history, mathematics, physics, physical education, music, geography
41) yes we have an exam
42) Dutch
43) I don't understand this question
44) 5 days a week
45) most of them but some are really terrible
46) I don't have very much but sometimes it is very much.
47) Yes it is very nice because there aren't so many hills.
48) I like French a little bit because it is pretty difficult
49) no but it is at on another school nearby
50) yes we study music on our school
51) I like school a little bit because the good way is that you see your friends and other people but it is also stupid because you have to learn all the time and make homework.

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à 20:43

Re: E-mail for Kevin Seguy

<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #66ffff" face="impact">Hello Wouter</font></p><p><font face="trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">How are you?</font></p><p><font face="trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Can you describe your family and your city</font></p><p><font face="trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> please Wouter. Thank you</font></p><p><font face="trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">See you on march .</font></p><p>       <font color="#66ccff">   <font face="impact"><strong><u><em>  YOUR FRIEND KEVIN</em></u></strong></font></font></p>
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  Wouter Spanjaard
à 11:28

Re: Re: E-mail for Kevin Seguy

<p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #0033cc" face="verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif" color="#ffff00">Hi kevin i am fine:D, i live in Oss it is the same city as where my school is, so we dont have to travle long to go to school. Oss is a city with about 80.000 people in it and we have also a nice shopping area in the centrum. About my family i have 2 sisters one is 19 years old and is called; Jorien and my other sister is 16 and is called; Heleen. And i have also 2 parents and they are not divorced. I think that was it. I hope to see you in march.</font></p><p><font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #0033cc" face="Verdana" color="#ffff00">Greetz from Wouter Spanjaard</font> </p>
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