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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Hello Pol !

I am sorry for the last letter .

I have a XBOX and my games are James Bond, SSX on tour (skiing and boarding) star wars, rollers, Need for Speed and many other games.

Can you send me a photo of you, please ?

My MSN address is

You have the sims2, don't you?

Have you got a girlfriend ? If you have one, what  is her name?

On computer, I have "Heros Might and Magic IV"But I let it.


Good Bye

Ecrit par troisième, le Lundi 21 Novembre 2005, 13:44 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

à 20:55

Hello Armand

<p><strong>I dont understand anything of this french letter writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</strong></p><p>But I have read your text and I dont have Sims 2 but I can get it easily.</p><p>I filled in the questionnaire and I saw that many questions were the same But Ianswered them. Dont you have a hotmail or a normal account. This is no good. Mine is </p><p><a href=""></a> I want yours. I cant send the questionair nor the picture you asked for (Because I dont understand this so I even hope this reached you.)</p><p>I dont have an Xbox but I have a Gamecube and tommorow I have a Gamecube Revolution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. </p><p>I would like to play together with you when you come. </p><p>Goodbye Pol</p><p> </p><p><strong></strong></p>
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  Pol Muffels
à 18:19

<p>Hello Armand I discovered that my last e-mail was in HTML I'm sorry 'bout that. </p><p>Our Class teacher sed us to do this: I have to choose two countries one I like and one I don't </p><p>First the country i like.</p><p>Italy : I would like to live in Italy because my father lives there and I would like to be more with him. I would like to live in Italy because of the sunshine and the more snow (In holland you never have real summers or real winters.) I would like to live in Italy because things are cheaper. (Mostly pc games and other stuff I want are cheaper). And because of the culture the people have there. I already went to Italy quite some times but I still don't know much about their culture. These are the for resons that I would like to live in Italy</p><p>Now the country I dont like.</p><p>Switzerland: I wouldn'tlike to live in Switzerland because they don't really join the rest of Europe and I think they''re quite sneaky. I wouldn't like to live there because I then should have got used to the Swish Franc (which I dont Understand) And I would not like the always hilly sight. In Holland it's a little flat. And I wouldn't be able to go to school by bike. Those are the four resons why I woulnd't like to live in Switserland.</p><p>Goodbye. Pol </p><p>Ps. The other French are saying strange things like I'm greedy AND generous (That's not possible)</p><p> </p><p /><p />
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à 18:03


bla bla poebelle tu es un chien
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à 18:05

Re: Re:

Tu es un chat et un chien. tu es mort. tu es un monstre! Tu es un imbecile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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à 18:08

Re: Re: Re:

Tu es Leopold Muffels! Tu es un imbecile!
Nederland!Nederland! He kut moffen!
Landveraders mongolen!
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à 18:12

Re: Re: Re: Re:

Tu es Leopold Muffels!
Tu es un imbecile! 
He kut moffen!
Landveraders mongolen!

Schorem! Klootviolen!
Porn! Porn! Porn!

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