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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Hello Carly!
Hello Carly!

How are you? Me I 'm fine! I have a some question for you:
1) Have you got a boy friend?
2) Have you got a MSN address? My adress is .
3) How do you come to your school?
4) Have you got any pets?

Bye, bye!
Ecrit par troisième, le Samedi 28 Janvier 2006, 17:21 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

  Carly Desantis
à 20:12

Heey! I'm sorry I didn't email you back any quicker but I forgot what the site was so I couldn't email back anymore! But How are you doing I'm doing fine:).. Looking forward to your visit! Well here are my answers to your questions: I don't have a boyfriend anymore! and I've got an email adress  I tried to add your email to my list, but it wasn't the wright one so maybe you could add me to your list! Well I did have a pet  but last christmas she passed away:(  It was a cat and her name was Tinkerbel!  and I go to school by bike, we've just moved in to our new house, and school is like 3 minutes away! well I hope to talk to you soon!! and then I'll ask you some questions,

xx Carly

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