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happy christmas
Hello Hester!!! I wish you a merry christmas bye from marie aimée
Ecrit par troisième, le Samedi 28 Janvier 2006, 17:28 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

  Hester Meeusen
à 20:51

Hi Marie!


I have to write you a letter for the e-mail project. I need to pick two countries, one i would like to live in and the other one i wouldnt like to in . I hope you like my decision and enjoy reading this.


I would realy realy like to live in New Zealand. I can’t realy explain why it is my favourite country but here are some suggestions: I like the variated nature. I would enjoy the sea, climb mountains, walk through forests... I’m just a big fan of good environment. I don’t know if you have seen the films of the lord of the rings but those are shot there! The landscape differs from ice to desert, there is just so much to see!

Another thing is, the people aren’t realy strict with religion. I don’t believe in anything and some countries don’t accept that. In New Zealand I would be just free to do what i would like to do.

It is not scarsely populated like for example in Australia. I like people around me but i don’t want to live in or near a big city, but help like hospitals and fireman in the neighbourhood would be quite comfortable..

Another advantage is that i already speak english so i would not have to learn a whole new language again!


A country i would realy not want to live is Russia. Did you see on the news it was –30 degrees there? That’s realy cold! I don’t like extreme temperatures, 20 or 25 degrees is perfect for me.

The history of Russia shocks me a bit. I mean the law that everyone earns the same, it doesnt matter what or how you would do your job. The job would also be chosen for you. If they would have need for example a baker, and if you would be unemployed, you would become a baker, without even choosing for it! Russia became poor because of this law.

Maby it is just in my mind but if i think about Russia I think about dirty factories and old houses in big cities. No, i would prefer New Zealand.

Another thing is, i never hear anything good about Russia, i mean, why would people want to live there? It seems big and unorganised to me now..


I hope you will write me back soon,


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