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Bienvenue sur la veille technologique du Collège Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Hello Wouter.

How are you.

Thank you for your letters.

I wish you again a merry christmas and happy
Ecrit par troisième, le Samedi 28 Janvier 2006, 17:31 dans la rubrique "".
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Commentaires :

  Wouter Spanjaard
à 17:24

Hello kevin!

Hi Kevin nice from you to send that christmas card, i have send you also a card.
But what i Wanted to ask is: do you have an e-mail adress? i do have one, the mine is: if you have also an e-mail adress plz say it then i can add you and maybe if you have msn we can chat with eachother.

that was it, it think:D

greetz wouter

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  Wouter Spanjaard
à 16:33


We had send an e-mail fro school to you about a country we would like to live in and a country we absolutely not like to live in. The country I would like to live is I think Italy because it is nice weather there, the people are nice there, I’ve been there sometimes and the culture and cities are nice in Italy. The country I wouldn't like to live in is Poland because it is cold weather, you can't earn much money, you have to work really hard to earn a little bit of money and the people doesn't like friendly as I see them. I hope you liked this e-mail and I will see you in March then!

greetz Wouter

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